The Holy Synod of the True Orthodox Church of Antioch  maintains the ancient Orthodox Christian Faith of the Holy Apostles and the Church Fathers. We are not in communion with the World Orthodoxy which have given themselves over to the heresies of Ecumenism and Sergianism. We follow the traditional Church Calendar, rather than the Gregorian Calendar, and for that reason we are commonly called Old Calendarists.

There are a number of “Old Calendarist” groups in existence today, many of which have no connection — historical or otherwise — to the Faith and Church of the Holy Apostles and Disciples whom our Lord chose and likewise the worthy successors whom they chose by the Holy Spirit; .

To distinguish us from these other groups we are usually referred to as “Antiochene Synod”, after the establishment in America of our Holy Synod on May 29, 1892 through Bull of consecration and approbation issued by His Holiness Patriarch Ignatius III. The Holy Synod was granted autocephalous status and the Holy Synod chose to confess Chalcedonian Christology and embrace the Dogmatic Teachings of the Seven Ecumenical Councils. Hence, we were not affected by the change in Calendar in 1923 by the Patriarchs of Greece and Antioch.

The Holy Synod of the True Orthodox Church of Antioch does not maintain communion with individuals or groups who are considered heretics, schismatics, or hold heterodox beliefs. This is primarily because these jurisdictions have deviated from orthodox teachings and established themselves in non-canonical ways. Such deviations may have occurred after the deposing or defrocking of their confessing hierarchs, due to their adherence to heretical beliefs, violations of canonical laws, influence from political factors, or involvement in financial scams. Additionally, the Church does not recognize or accept individuals who have been consecrated solely or heretically.

Yet, we are open to receive other True Orthodox Christian jurisdictions that preserve the true confession of our Faith.

Metropolitan Mark
Metropolitan Mark
Archbishop Timotheos
Archbishop Timotheos
Vice President
Archbishop Donatien
Archbishop Donatien
Archbishop of Congo
Bishop Luke
Bishop Luke
Metropolitan of Nigeria
Bishop Abel
Bishop Abel
Bishop of Cameroun