You are welcome to the website of the Genuine Orthodox Church of Antioch, otherwise known as the Genuine Antiochian Orthodox Church, this is the official website of the Holy Synod of the Genuine Orthodox Church of Antioch.

The Antiochian Orthodox Church was established in Antioch by Apostle Peter and Paul in the year 34 AD as part of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church that was founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ through the Power of the Holy Spirit in 33AD on the day of Pentecost.

On May 29, 1892 His Holiness Ignatius Peter III, Patriarch of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch issued a Bull of Canonical Establishment authorizing the Consecration of the first Primate Father Joseph Vilathi who was consecrated as the first Bishop for the Church in America. The Bull authorizing the consecration was issued on December 29, 1891 and he was given the name “Timotheos”

The American Synod eventually separated from the Syrian Church over issues regarding the Council of Chalcedon, which the American Synod accepted along with all seven Ecumenical Councils. Hence, Archbishop Timotheos was appointed Archbishop for the Americas by Patriarch Ignatius Peter III, and he returned to the United States and continued to establish parishes in Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and New York. Many of these parishes still stand today.

The Proto-Metropolitan, the first President of the Synod in the United States of America, Mar Timotheos I, Metropolitan of North America” reposed in the Lord on July 8, 1929. The members of the holy Synod met and elected the Second Metropolitan Primate and during the meeting, they also affirm the Canons of the Church Fathers and anathemised the new Calendar movements.

The Russian Succession comes into the Holy Synod through Archbishop John (Skureth), so thus Greek and Antiochian Succession comes into the Holy Synod through other Bishops that joined the Synod as they fled away from the Heresies of New calendar and Ecumenical Movements.

We are not part of the false gathering of ecumenism and we keep the Church Calendar with all the church canons. This is the continuation of the True Church Funded by our Lord Jesus Christ, this church has kept the faith and the canons, has always been persecuted and with the promise of our Lord, the gate of hell will not prevail over it.

There is no salvation outside the Church. God deals with those who are outside the Church according to His boundless mercy and righteousness, and the Apostle forbids us to concern ourselves with His judgements.

God did not institute schismatic and heretical assemblies so that they might work in parallel with the Church for the salvation of humanity. Hence, such assemblies are not workshops of salvation, but obstacles created by the devil, wherein error is mingled with truth in varying proportions, so that the true Church may not be recognised. Such organizations are False Christian Assemblies setup by human beings who either separated from the True Church through heretical belief and practices or established themselves and become false clergies as means to gain financial freedom by enslaving the followers through hypnotist by means of occultist practices such as voodoo, magic, sorcerers and marine spirits, they remain business centers but mimic Christian Church that cannot be falsified in reality.


Outside the Church there is no true Baptism nor any other sacrament. For this reason, the Apostolic canons, and those of the Ecumenical Councils, forbid us to pray with schismatics and heretics whether in private or in the Church. They forbid us, under the penalty of defrockment and excommunication, to permit them to function as clergymen in our Churches and assemblies. During the Divine Liturgy, we pray for the catechumens. We do pray for the conversion of heretics and schismatics, but we cannot pray with them, for this would be tantamount to yoking truth with error, light with darkness, and joining the sons of the promise with the sons of Hagar who receive not the inheritance.

Apostolic Canon LXV says that if anyone enters a congregation of heretics in order to pray, in case he is a Clergyman he is to be deposed, if he is a layman he is to be excommunicated. The Synod of Laodicea in its thirty-second Canon says: “One must not accept blessings from heretics, which are absurdities, and not blessings.”

Neither must one pray together with heretics or schismatics, according to its thirty- third Canon. Its thirty-fourth Canon anathematizes those who leave the martyrs of Christ out of consideration and go to the pseudo-martyrs of heretics. Moreover, the ninth Canon of the Synod of Laodicea excommunicates Christians that go to the cemeteries or martyrs’ shrines of heretics in order to pray, or for the sake of healing their sick. But neither ought any Christian to con-celebrate any feast with heretics, nor to accept any gifts they may send him on their feast days, according to the thirty-seventh Canon of the same Synod of Laodicea.

The True Orthodox Church is Pentecostal and Evangelical, but not Protestant. It is orthodox, but not Jewish. It is Catholic, but not Roman. It isn’t non-denominational – it is pre-denominational. It has believed, taught, preserved, defended and died for the Faith of the Apostles since the Day of Pentecost over 2000 years ago. Genuine Orthodox Church Maintains an unbroken Tradition and Apostolic Succession from Saint Andrew the first-called Apostle.

Genuine Orthodox Christians are the true followers of Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of the Living God, who in His great mercy came into the world and assumed our human nature by becoming a man so that He could save us from our sins by His passion, death, resurrection and glorious ascension to Heaven. Every Genuine Orthodox Christian is a Witness to God’s saving action in human history, and the bearers of the Good News of Christ to the ends of the earth.

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    Our Testament

    We will continue to post articles here for you relating to the True Orthodox Faith and more especially on the teaching of the Church Fathers and Ascetics

    Why Orthodox Tradition

    2 Thessalonians 2:15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.

    We love God. We believe in God.

    Luke 18 8-10 I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”

    Our Mission

    Our mission is what we do. The active verb here is invite. God progresses through gracious invitations.


    Our Vision

    We see our mission as extending God’s Kingdom and we seek to help every member find their place.


    Our Values

    Community is where we most deeply experience God’s love and grace throughout all stages of life.


    Our Faith

    All Peoples are of tremendous value to God; reaching them with the Gospel is our distinct responsibility.


    We rely on your generous Donations to support our Mission across the world. Most of our Priests are bi-vocational and are able to support themselves and their families. However, from time to time we have greater need to support the local community wherever we found ourselves, we provide water, electricity, food and clothing, shelter for the homeless and education for the underprivileged with preference to youth.

    Internally Displaced Persons Needs Your Help


    An internally displaced person (IDP) is someone who is forced to leave their home but who remains within their country's borders. They are often referred to as refugees, although they do not fall within the International legal definitions of a refugee. At the


    $0.00 donated of $10,000.00 goal


    Campaign has ended

    The Holy Synod

    The Holy Synod of North America was established through a Bull of consecration issued by Patriarch Ignatius III of the Syriac Orthodox Church on May 29, 1892. The Holy Synod affirms the Seven Ecumenical Councils and other local councils. The Holy Synod is an Old Calendar Jurisdiction and rejects Modernism and Ecumenism
    Metropolitan Mark
    Metropolitan Mark
    Archbishop Timotheos
    Archbishop Timotheos
    Vice President
    Archbishop Donatien
    Archbishop Donatien
    Archbishop of Congo
    Bishop Luke
    Bishop Luke
    Metropolitan of Nigeria
    Bishop Abel
    Bishop Abel
    Bishop of Cameroun

    Metropolitan Sermons

    The Sermon of Metropolitan Mark (Macfonse) of North America and those of other members of the Holy Antiochene Synod can be viewed here each time